i almost cry when i watch this..what a talented kid..;))))
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Here's another wicked illusion!
Watch carefully..it looks like there's a floating cube..but it is not...See for yourself how your eyes can fool you...;)
This is one interesting article that i read about illusion just now..
Certain patterns confuse your eyes and brain, causing you to misjudge the size of a circle, or the length of a line. Though hundreds of optical illusions have been recorded and studied over the last century, people still do not agree on why these patterns cause errors in perception. Scientists are fascinated by illusions because, by figuring out how the eye and brain can be tricked, they can better understand the normal workings of the visual system.
As Purkinje(mcm Purkinje fibre plak), a noted 19th-century Czech physiologist, put it:
"Deceptions of the senses are the truths of perception.
Seeing isn't always believing!
Your eyes may see things that your brain doesn't understand.
Explore how and why you see optical illusions, and discover the many types created over time.
You will finally realise that they are a part of art, science, math and our everyday lives.
This is one interesting article that i read about illusion just now..
Certain patterns confuse your eyes and brain, causing you to misjudge the size of a circle, or the length of a line. Though hundreds of optical illusions have been recorded and studied over the last century, people still do not agree on why these patterns cause errors in perception. Scientists are fascinated by illusions because, by figuring out how the eye and brain can be tricked, they can better understand the normal workings of the visual system.
As Purkinje(mcm Purkinje fibre plak), a noted 19th-century Czech physiologist, put it:
"Deceptions of the senses are the truths of perception.
Seeing isn't always believing!
Your eyes may see things that your brain doesn't understand.
Explore how and why you see optical illusions, and discover the many types created over time.
You will finally realise that they are a part of art, science, math and our everyday lives.
Super Duper Cool Video!!!!
Who have ever thought that we can actually see moving object on paper unlike on tv that we usually do!...two thumbs up..;)
Friday, June 11, 2010
Nexus One vs. iPhone Matchup!...Mcm cool jek...
p/s: wuu..bile la bole dpt beli hp camnih...sesape kaye tolong bagi sebijik kat aku..huhu
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Excellent work by a student
I saw this on vimeo and the one who made this is a graphic design student for her visual discourse animation film project..i always love animation and i wish i know how to do it..unfortunately,i'm not gifted with a creative mind...i'm bad when it comes to art..haha...
time & again from jacques khouri on Vimeo.
p/s: well,this video is kind of sad but i think we all feel like that guy(or it's just me)...klu time ungs leh wat presentation style camnih kan best..;-P
Can you imagine urself doing this?...i can't..;-P
this boy patiently arrange the stapler bullet and make it looks like manhattan city...
A+ for the effort...at least he does something that he good at....nice work...;)
The making of Ephemicropolis from Peter Root on Vimeo.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Are You Ready?
Hari ini mak sibuk tanye ape yg nak beli nnt msk main camp..
siap suro wat list agik...
tp aku just jawab 'entah'..haha...
sbb xsedia lgsg bulan 7 nih..rase malas jek...
camne nk blaja kat sane nih?..otak pon dah beku....
nih yg nyanyi lagu Ready,Set,Go by Tokio Hotel utk membakar semangat nih...haha...
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Cara tukar tayar yg bahaya tp lawak!!!
p/s: yg paling xbole blah blakang skali tuh...haha....xsangka nak tukar tayar pon bahaye...so sesape tukar tayar kat highway tuh berhati2 la yek...
Sunday, June 6, 2010
I have to say Bill looks hot in dis pics..;)

Thursday, June 3, 2010
Tom's sweetest smile...
p/s: i'm crazy with him right now..this is my blog and i want to post entries about him and tokio hotel as much as i want....so if u all feel sick of my blog entries,then close it and you are free to read other's blog...;)
yaaay video games! xP
i wish i could play that game with him..would be awesome
p/s: confirm kalah..bukan sbb ape.sibuk tgk tom ajek..hahaha
p/s: confirm kalah..bukan sbb ape.sibuk tgk tom ajek..hahaha
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