Saturday, June 26, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Here's another wicked illusion!
This is one interesting article that i read about illusion just now..
Certain patterns confuse your eyes and brain, causing you to misjudge the size of a circle, or the length of a line. Though hundreds of optical illusions have been recorded and studied over the last century, people still do not agree on why these patterns cause errors in perception. Scientists are fascinated by illusions because, by figuring out how the eye and brain can be tricked, they can better understand the normal workings of the visual system.
As Purkinje(mcm Purkinje fibre plak), a noted 19th-century Czech physiologist, put it:
"Deceptions of the senses are the truths of perception.
Seeing isn't always believing!
Your eyes may see things that your brain doesn't understand.
Explore how and why you see optical illusions, and discover the many types created over time.
You will finally realise that they are a part of art, science, math and our everyday lives.
Super Duper Cool Video!!!!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Nexus One vs. iPhone Matchup!...Mcm cool jek...
p/s: wuu..bile la bole dpt beli hp camnih...sesape kaye tolong bagi sebijik kat aku..huhu
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Excellent work by a student
time & again from jacques khouri on Vimeo.
p/s: well,this video is kind of sad but i think we all feel like that guy(or it's just me)...klu time ungs leh wat presentation style camnih kan best..;-P
Can you imagine urself doing this?...i can't..;-P
The making of Ephemicropolis from Peter Root on Vimeo.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Are You Ready?
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Cara tukar tayar yg bahaya tp lawak!!!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
I have to say Bill looks hot in dis pics..;)

Thursday, June 3, 2010
Tom's sweetest smile...
p/s: i'm crazy with him right now..this is my blog and i want to post entries about him and tokio hotel as much as i if u all feel sick of my blog entries,then close it and you are free to read other's blog...;)
yaaay video games! xP
p/s: confirm kalah..bukan sbb ape.sibuk tgk tom ajek..hahaha
Friday, May 28, 2010
Take a look in Tokio Hotels Studio!
p/s:nak sgt tgk bilik diorg mcmane..hehe...btw,nice studio..byk btol pizza yg diorg makan..
HIV Boleh Terjadi Walaupun Anda Bukan Pengamal Seks Bebas? Benarkah?
Berikut adalah artikel yang perlu diambil perhatian sekiranya anda belum membacanya. Sila baca artikel berikut mengenai orang yang HIV positif seronok menyebarkan virus HIV. Ianya pernah ke udara di dalam Televisyen Thai di mana pesakit HIV ditangkap & didakwa, tapi apa gunanya, beliau telah merosakkan ramai orang awam yang tak berdosa. Jadi sila berhati-hati ... Beberapa tempat berbahaya dan kebarangkalian menemui jarum penyuntik yang telah digunakan penagih
1. Di kawasan pantai. Apabila anda berjalan di pantai sila pakai selipar atau kasut, ada penagih dadah yang melakukan aktiviti di tepi pantai danmenimbus jarum penyuntik di dalam pasir. Penyuntik ini kemudiannya terdedah akibat ombak.
2. Di kawasan permainan kanak-kanak. Satu lagi kawasan pilihan penagih. Terdapat kes di Australia di mana kanak-kanak yg tak berdosa telah tercucuk jarum penyuntik apabila beliau turun daripada papan lunsur & kemudiannya didapati HIV positif.
3. Di panggung wayang. Sila pastikan kerusi yg anda duduki. Kes yang terjadi apabila seorang perempuan duduk di kerusi beliau dan terasa sesuatu benda mencucuk. Beliau berdiri dan mendapati ada penyuntik dan nota berbunyi "Welcome to the real world, you are now HIV positive' . Doktor telah memeriksa jarum tersebut & mengesahkan ianya terdapat virus HIV. Ianya berlaku di Hawai jadi berhati-hati ... .
4. Di Georgia & Florida , ada kes menunjukkan pesakit HIV meletakkan penyuntik di dalam tempat mengembali kan syiling, mesin air minuman...jadi pastikan bila anda membeli air atau kandi, perhatikan betul-betul tempa t mengembalikan wang syiling. mungkin terdapat jarum penyuntik di dalamnya.
5. Di restoran Burger King, pesakit HIV yang juga pekerjanya meletakkan sedikit darah di dalam burger & mencampurkan dengan mayonis dan salad. Ianya seperti sos. Jadi cuba jangan pesan burger dengan mayonis & sos Order di tempat lain.
Nih video pasal camne replication HIV...klu time kite blaja BIO 3 tunjuk video nih kan bagos...bole le cepat sket paham kt dlm klas...(dlm kelas time first2 blaja nih blurr jek...haha)
HIV Replication 3D Medical Animation
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Lagu yg sgt menyentuh hati...
well,this is one of it...the lyric is so touching + the song is so calming...(seriously)
whenever i'm sad,i'll listen to this song and i do feel relieve a little bit...huhu..
u guys can listen to it..just go to u-tube and listen to it...
- Zoom Into Me -
Is there anybody out there out in the cold?
One heartbeat lost in the crowd
Is there anybody shoutin' what no one can hear?
Is there anybody drownin' pulled down by the fear?
I feel you don't look away
Zoom into me
Zoom into me
I know you're scared
When you can't breathe
I will be there
Zoom into me
Is there anybody laughing to kill the pain?
Is there anybody screamin' the silence away?
Just open your jaded eyes
Come closer And closer
When you can't breathe
I will be there
Zoom into me
Zoom into me
Zoom into me
Whe the world cuts your soul into pieces
And you start to bleed when you can't breathe
I will be there
Zoom into me
p/s:Dear Tom Kaulitz,u dont need to ask people to zoom into you,coz i'll definitely zoom into you...hahahaha...
Friday, April 30, 2010
Final Exam is next week
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Kenapa manusia semakin kejam?
17/04/2010 5:34pm
KUALA LUMPUR 17 April - Mayat wanita hamil yang lengkap berpakaian ditemui dalam keadaan reput dan berulat di kawasan rekreasi Taman Tasik Perdana di sini, Khamis lepas.
Ketua Polis Kuala Lumpur Datuk Wira Muhammad Sabtu Osman berkata mayat itu dijumpai orang awam yang kebetulan melalui kawasan terbabit kira-kira pukul 6.30 petang.
Siasatan awal mendapati mangsa dipercayai telah mati dalam tempoh enam hari akibat dijerut di leher dengan menggunakan sapu tangan, katanya ketika ditemui pada kempen derma darah peringkat Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontinjen Kuala Lumpur di Berjaya Times Square hari ini.
"Selain terdapat kesan mangsa dipijak di bahagian perut, pemeriksaan ke atas mayat itu juga turut menemui mayat janin berusia kira-kira 12 minggu yang dilihat keadaannya hampir terkeluar dari kemaluan mangsa,” katanya.
Muhammad Sabtu berkata, keadaan mayat yang reput turut menyukarkan polis untuk mengenal pasti bangsa dan identiti suspek.
"Tiada sebarang dokumen pengenalan diri pada mayat itu. Namun kita menemui seutas jam tangan berjenama Omega yang dipakai mangsa dan sebuah topi keledar di tempat kejadian,” katanya.
Beliau meminta orang ramai yang mempunyai maklumat atau kehilangan anggota keluarga supaya tampil membuat laporan di mana-mana balai polis berhampiran. - Bernama
p/s: inikah tanda-tanda akhir zaman?
what a cute song and video clip
She and Him-In the Sun
I saw this video on mtv..and i like the's so simple and calm which the type of song that i love...i try to download it,but it's not i just search it on youtube..i can listen to it over and over again..huhu
Friday, April 16, 2010
Islamic Medical ethics
1. The first main principle of Islamic Medicine is the emphasis on the sanctity of human life which derives from al-Qur’an:
2. The second main principle is the emphasis on seeking a cure. This derives from a saying of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):
3. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), in another narration, is also reported to have said:
4. Some of the rules of Islamic medical ethics are :
- Necessity overrides prohibition; that is, if there are certain items which are Islamically prohibited, under dire necessity they can become permissible.
- Harm has to be removed at every cost if possible.
- Accept the lesser of the two harms if both can not be avoided.
- Public interest overrides the individual interest.

p/s : cerita ni mmg dah lari la sgt dr islamic ethics..haha...byk cite psl skandal doktor
xpayah la tgk~~~
Monday, April 12, 2010
but do they really mean it?
some people say things that hurt you
but do they even realize it?
when you hate some people and say "She's a b****"
but are they really that bad?
or when people look and smile at you,
but is there a hidden reason they actually smile at?
and when the world is harsh to you and it kills you
but does that make you a failure?
and when you want to give up and just surrender
but then why you still want to give your best shot in your life?
because you just take what people say about you as what it appears to be
because you don't bother whatever people say that can bring you down
because you don't simply hate people if you're not sure who she really is
because you just smile back at people no matter what reason they're smiling at
because you feel lucky to experience the journey that no one has ever been through...
because you are too significant to care of these pieces of crap...
because you're the only who one knows what you're doing...
because the only person that you can be is YOU..
Friday, April 9, 2010
credit to these photographers

love the flying hair and the flying skirt

Live free..n just taste the snow..huhu


seriously,i want her hair...;-P

optical solution ~ (main tipu)
you don't always need puppets to make a show

hope the flower is meant for me,you little cute box..hoho

life is like a spinning ride,it's scary but it's exciting at the same time
i'm on twitter now!!!!
if i am bored(like the way i feel now),maybe i'll update my twitter and check out the persons that i follow which are mostly celebrities(you guys must be saying "roza,you got way better things to do than just busying about other persons bussiness")..huhu..i know...
but i can't resist it..sometimes it's interesting to know what ur favorite celebrities are make you realise that they are all like us...a normal human being..but the difference is that--they are FAMOUS....
you can add me on twitter
p/s : twitter tuh busuk jek sebab buat pon saje2..
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
if only i can have 'em now...
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
There's a lot to think of (panjang woo)

There was one day that a woman called me and we agreed to meet at Ampang Point so that I can hand over the item to her(she bought a book from me!)..From there I learnt how to communicate with was actually kinda fun coz we just chatted and we told each other about ourselves...Of course I was nervous at first(I have met 2 customers so far..chinese and Indian lady)..I don't know what I should say to them apart from discussing about the deal...and I definitely have to brush up my public relation skill..But I don't worry too much about it as there's always a room for me to grow and i hope i will have more customer so that i can meet them(please pray for me)..

it's kinda interesting actually coz i love meeting new people and see the different kind of character in gives me a whole brand new experience and it's a challenge for me to see the way I deal with different persons(believe me i have met a lot of people..and they are special a.k.a weird in their own way..people are just weird..including me..huhu),i'm thinking about expanding my bussiness(cewah)....i'm looking forward to make another blog on my bussiness(i'm still deciding whether to do it or not)..but i'll do it little by little..;)
2.Secondly,i'm thinking of what movies should i download..Suddenly i run out of idea and i'm too lazy to google which movies are great..hmmm..still thinking..haha..(that's bcoz i hav downloaded too many movies until i don't know which movies that i haven't download)..i dont know why i care so much bout them..
i mean i will download the latest movies and check out the movie rating(just to make sure i didn't download useless movies)..why did i do that?..bcoz i just simply love movies(the good one la)..especially the one which can inspire least i can learn something from it and feel less guilty for wasting my time...huhu

Fourthly,i wonder why i have so much time writing on this blog..the answer is...i'm doing short sem right i have so much time watching movies,dramas,facebooking,downlading,writing,talking,gossipping,blablabla...
i try to enjoy this time as much as i can coz i know once i enter kuantan,things are going to change completely..i heard that everyday your schedule is just so hectic and you can rarely go home(uwaa)..but my other friends are also studying far from their home..and they cope with why shouldn't i?(this question is purposely to calm me..haha)..
i must admit that i'm a little bit spoiled coz i go home every weekend(never missed a week,can u believe that?)..i miss home(i know what you're thinking..~stop being like a child and grow up) usual,it's already 2.28 am...i want to sleep but i have already slept this movies?..i already watched 2 movies just now(i can't watch another movie or else my head will explode) that's why i'm wasting my time writing on this blog..wahahahaahahah...
ok..i'm going to do something else..(it's so quiet here..and it's cold tonight)..bye..goodnite

Sunday, April 4, 2010
really enjoy watching glee!!
So far,I have finished watching season 1 and it was awsomee!!!
Really can't wait for the next season...for those who don't know what the **** is glee..let me tell you guys about it...
Glee is a comedy drama series about a glee club in McKinley school a.k.a choir club...the problem is,all the kids in the school will make fun of whoever persons who join the glee club...
i remember that they splash a drink called 'squashy' to Rachel's face(i hate to see that part at first coz i thought "isn't that harsh and rude to do that?"..but after several episode,it's actually funny to see all the glee club member wearing rain coat to avoid being splashed...
Well,the reason i kinda like watching this drama is just because it's fun to see them sing and to see them dance in a group...i never actually like musical drama(like high school musical..uurrgghhh)..but this one is pretty cool..i love the songs in this series...they change the original song and make it different...
And another reason why i am watching glee is bcoz i don't have anything else to watch...haha..I have watched How I met your mother season 5(really funny sitcom i tell you),n several movies..(i don't watch korean drama),i just watch whatever drama that being aired on tv and luckily it's pretty funny....huhu..i admit,i am movie+tv+music hobby is to download any cool music+movie+tv and when i'm free,i watch and listen to them...that's a bad hobby actually...i can't get my works done because of it..
btw,if you're bored and have nothing to do,you can watch gle..its funny..and now its already 2.35 am..what the **** am i doing?..i'm going to bed...bye..
Friday, March 26, 2010
Say it while you can
Kyle: Well..when your dad died....
Kerry: I get it. You felt sorry for me.
Kyle: No, wait, when your dad died, it made me realize that we have to say the things we feel or we might not get another chance again
aktiviti time bosan..
ni lah aktiviti daku time bosan..sape2 bosan pon bole bace..~
Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
-close la..kang bukak masuk tikus
Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
-haha..selalu jek rembat...
Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
-tucked in
Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
-kalo curi pon ape paedahnye..buat hiasan kat bilik bole kot
Do you like to use post-it notes?
-yes and i use it a lot...dkt board,buku,dinding,almari,cermin mahupon bdn manusia...haha
Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
-big kate klu kite pure2 mati, dia x attack...(betol ke?)
Do you always smile for pictures?
-yup..senyuman yg x bole bla...
Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
-ade ke org buat?..
Have you ever peed in the woods?
-xsenonoh btol..setakat nih mmg xpernah la sbb msk wood pon ade public toilet ape...
What about pooped in the woods?
-ni lah sbbnye aku x kan msk hutan...ish2...
Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing?
-a lot...just sing and dance...agegege
Do you chew your pens and pencils?
What size is your bed?
-dkt asrama single-sized..dkt umah queen-sized...
What is your Song of the week?
-adam lambert-what do u want from song...
Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
-yeah as long as you don't look like a gay or pon*** or mat jambu...kihkih
Do you still watch cartoons?
-yes and will always watch them....(karton skang best ape..sebagai contoh hagemaru..sangat mencuit dan menggelikan hati)
Whats your least favorite movie?
-semua movie melay yg tajuk dia ade cinta..(cinta fotokosi,cinta kolestrol,semua bende nk letak cinta..tajuk lain xde...)
Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
-rsenye simpan kat dlm peti besi cukop kot..susah la nk gali2...
What do you drink with dinner?
-air kosong jek...
What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
-chili sauce
What is your favorite food?
-semua makanan yg sedap...kahkah
What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
-50 first dates and edword scissorhand...they still fascinate me like the first time i watched them..
Last person you kissed/kissed you?
-my beloved mom..;)
Were you ever a boy/girl scout? primary school...
Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
-sape yg bukan islam jawab la ek...
When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
-time form 4 kot...
Can you change the oil on a car?
-absolutely no...
Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
-lesen pon xdpt agi...sedeh....
Favorite kind of sandwich?
-tuna and egg sandwich...yummy...
Best thing to eat for breakfast?
-half-boiled egg and toasted bread with strawberry spread...nasi lemak..roti canai pn cm sedap gak..pastu plak ade pancake or waffle...along with fresh milk or fruit juice..x pon ais cream..pergh byk tol..(4 ur info,my favourite meal is breakfast meal..light but delicious..)
What is your usual bedtime?
-xtentu...ble ade free time,mase tu lah tido..i can sleep in the evening and awake all morning...
Are you lazy?
-ok...i must confess...the answer is YESSSS..
What is your Chinese astrological sign?
How many languages can you speak?
-2..english n malay...blaja arab tp yg basic je la
Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
-x dok..slalu beli je la
Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
Are you stubborn?
Who is better...Leno or Letterman?
-who cares?
Ever watch soap operas?
-never..*sebut cara poyo*
Afraid of heights?
-really afraid of heights
Sing in the car?
-a thing-must-to-do in car...haha
Dance in the car?
-cmne nk nari dlm keta...kang terhantuk kang...setakat head banging ade la...wahaha
Ever used a gun?
-toy gun
Ever eat a pierogi?
Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
-yeah and it occurs quite often..but i dont feel it lately
Take a vitamin daily?
-no..i keep forgetting to take it..
Ever wear slippers?
-duh..who have never wear it?...or maybe there is actually...
What do you wear to bed?
-personal thing nih...haha..
First concert?
Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
-Giant supermarket...kahkahkah
Nike or Adidas?
Cheetos Or Fritos?
Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? kot..(ye la tuh)
Ever been in love?
Who would you like to see in concert?
-colbie caillat or jason mraz
Tea or coffee?
-tea please~
Do you want to get married?
Who was your HS crush? lupe dah..
Do you miss anyone right now?
-a big yeah
Did you watch, Next Great American Band on FOX?
-x payah kot
This song makes me feel good
I want someone to love me
for who I am.
I want someone to need me.
Is that so bad?
I wanna break all the madness
but it's all I have.
I want someone to love me
for who I am.
Nothing makes sense.
Nothing makes sense anymore.
Nothing is right.
Nothing is right when you're gone.
Losing my breath.
Losing my right to be wrong.
I'm frightened to death.
I'm frightened that I won't be strong.
I want someone to love me
for who I am.
I want someone to need me.
Is that so bad?
I wanna break all the madness
but it's all I have.
I want someone to love me
for who I am.
I'm shaking it off.
I'm shaking off all of the pain.
You're breaking my heart,
Breaking my heart once again.
I want someone to love me for who I am.
I want someone to need me.
Is that so bad?
I wanna break all the madness
but it's all I have.
I want someone to love me
for who I am.
Are you gonna love me
for who I am?
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Antara Bersin dan Menguap
Bersin terjadi kerana badan yang kering dan pori-pori kulit terbuka, dan tidak tercapainya rasa kenyang.
Bersin boleh menggerakkan orang untuk beribadah
Ini berbeza dengan orang yang menguap.
Menguap terjadi kerana badan yang kekenyangan, dan badan terasa berat untuk melakukan aktiviti.
Hal ini terjadi kerana banyaknya makan .
Sedangkan menguap menjadikan orang itu malas
Nabi menjelaskan bagaimana seseorang yang mendengar orang yang bersin dan memuji Allah agar membalas pujian tersebut.
Rasulullah bersabda:
Apabila salah seorang diantara kalian bersin, maka ucapkanlah Al-Hamdulillah, dan hendaklah orang yang mendengarnya menjawab dengan Yarhamukallahu, dan bila dijawab demikian, maka balaslah dengan ucapan Yahdikumullahu wa Yushlihubaalakum (HR. Bukhari, 6224)
Dan para doktor mengatakan,
“Menguap adalah gejala yang menunjukkan bahawa otak dan tubuh orang tersebut kekurangan oksigen dan nutrisi kerana organ pernafasan kurang efisien dalam membekalkan oksigen kepada otak dan tubuh.
Ini disebabkan mulut bukanlah organ yang berfungsi untuk menapis udara seperti hidung.
Maka, apabila mulut dalam keadaan terbuka ketika menguap, maka berbagai-bagai jenis mikroba, kuman dan debu, atau kutu dari udara akan masuk ke dalam tubuh.
Oleh kerana itu, kita mesti melawan “menguap” sekuat kemampuan kita, atau pun menutup mulut ketika menguap dengan bahagian belakang tangan kanan atau pun tangan kiri.
Bersin adalah lawan dari menguap iatu keluarnya udara dengan keras, kuat disertai hentakan melalui dua lubang: hidung dan mulut. Maka bersin ini seperti mengeluarkan partikel seperti debu, haba, atau kutu, atau mikroba yang masuk ke dalam organ pernafasan.
Oleh kerana itu, secara tabiat, bersin datang dari Yang Maha Rahman (Pengasih), sebab ia memberi manfaat kepada tubuh. Dan menguap datang dari syaitan sebab ia mendatangkan bahaya kepada tubuh.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
How to get organized
Whenever I need things,I'll have to search it all over my room.
Because I just put my things everywhere and not in specific places.
As a result,I wasted my time to search for things I needed and it is even worse when I'm late to class.(I always late to class as I cannot find my notes)
So,these are some tips on how be organized( just what I needed)..
1.Organize your space.
- -Clean out your belongings before you think about organizing.You can only really accurately know what space you have when you've cleaned up.Observe how you use your things and work out how to use your space efficiently.
- Make it easy to get to and put away the things you need most often.Know what "organized" looks and feels like. Organized spaces are simple to use. They have enough room for the items there. It makes sense.
- Every item in your home has a location. Organized spaces also feel calm, open, and welcoming.
2.Put it back.
- Right now. Once you establish where everything belongs, you need to get in the habit of putting it back there as soon as you're finished using it.
3.Use a calendar.
- Get a calendar and put it in a place where you see it every day, preferably in the morning. For most people, that's on the refrigerator, on their desk, or on their desktop.
- Wherever you put it, make it part of your routine to refer to it every day.Your calendar can remind you to do things on time
4.Use a planner.
- A planner is especially useful if you have a lot of appointments and your days are so varied that you have trouble keeping track of your schedule.
5.Write it down!
- A short pencil is better than a long memory. Anything and everything you need to remember should be written down. Even if your memory is great, nobody's perfect and it doesn't hurt to put it on paper, just in case.
- Record phone numbers, appointments, birthdays, shopping lists, and things to do, and record them where you can easily find and refer to them when you need them.
- Make a to do list for your day. Your daily or immediate list should never be more than 5 items long, or else you're taking on too much and setting yourself up for failure. Mark one or two of those items as things you absolutely must get done that day, and pursue those tasks relentlessly until you get them done.
- Make a to do list for the week. Appropriate items here would be: Grocery shopping, fix air conditioner, etc. Draw from this list to make your daily to-do list.
- Make a to do list for the month. This list would have more general tasks like: Birthday gift to Jill, get car serviced, dentist appointment. Draw from this list to make your daily and weekly to-do list.
- Make a to do list for your life. Drastic, yes, but why not use this time to rethink your life and where it's going? Getting organized is all about priorities, and it never hurts to get your ducks in a row.
- Organize a drawer while talking on the phone. Fold towels while watching television. Do take care to combine only compatible tasks, though, or you'll just waste time compared to doing things in sequence.
8.Follow through.
- There's no point in making a to-do list if you don't discipline yourself to complete the tasks you've assigned yourself. There are many ways to stick to your to-do list. Stop procrastinating, remove or ignore distractions, and hop to it. If something keeps slipping to the bottom of your to-do list, take a good look at it. Is it really important?
- If so, get it over with, or at least get it started. If not, put it back in the long-term list for "someday" or get it off the list altogether. Don't let yourself get hung up on something for too long.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Mengenali hidup ini
Kerana ia mengajar kita mencari ke arah kesempurnaan
Kadang-kadang kita tidak perlu mengutamakan kemahuan kita berbanding kemahuan orang lain
Kerana ia mengajar erti pengorbanan
Kadang-kadang kita tidak tahu mengapa ia berlaku kepada diri
Tapi itulah yang akan mengajar kita mencari sesuatu pengertian
Kadang-kadang sesuatu yang berlaku tidak seperti apa yang kita harapkan
Tapi ia mengajar kita melaksanakan perubahan
Kadang-kadang kita berada di saat kelemahan
Namun, sebenarnya..ia mengajar kita mencari apa yang perlu untuk menambah kekuatan
Kadang-kadang kita sedih setelah melakukan kesalahan
Biarlah! Biarlahia berlalu kerana ia mengajar mencari pembetulan
Kadang-kadang kita ego untuk mangakui kesalahan
Namun, rasailah manisnya kemaafan seseorang
Kadang-kadang seseorang berperilaku seperti yang tidak disangka-sangka
Tapi memang benar setiap manusia melakukan kesalahan
Dan mengajar kita menilai kesalahan supaya kita dapat mengubah keadaan
Bukannya kita yang terkena tempias kesalahan tersebut
Apatah lagi simbahan kesalahan
Ingatilah diri…
Bahawa setiap perkara yang berlaku..
Mengajar kita mengenali kehidupan
Mengajar kita mengenali Tuhan
Ingatilah diri…
Masakan perkara-perkara tersebut akan menjadi pengajaran
Andai kita tidak mahu belajar
Kerana tidak memandang ia sebagai satu pelajaran…
Ingatilah diri ini dan dirimu...
Hayatilah kata-kata di atas dengan mata hati iman
"Semua orang mencari kebahagiaan..Tapi ingatlah kebahagiaan tidak semestinya apa yang kita mahukan tapi apa yang kita perlukan..."
Wallahu a3lam..
(Ya Allah berikan kami kebahagiaan yang hakiki di dunia dan akhirat)
Friday, February 26, 2010
Way to go ,wall-e!!!
n i really love the simplicity of this movie
the robots can't even speak yet they deliver such a strong message..
i am really touched with the courage of wall-e to save and protect the person he loves(the white robot..i dont really remember her name)
for me,that's is so sweet...
he doesn't even need words to show his love...
he just do whatever it takes to keep her safe...
i guess that's why there's a quote saying,
"Action speaks louder than words"
and wall-e has successfully proved it..

Kerana Engkau Insan Terpilih
Aduhai hati yang selalu gundah gulana..
Mengapa perlu difikirkan kehidupan duniawimu.
Sedangkan dunia itu sering menipumu.
Maka, hendaklah engkau susun langkahmu penuh hati-hati,
Ingatlah, syaitan itu sentiasa tidak mahu mengaku kalah dan tidak pernah putus asa. Setiap saat masanya adalah berharga. Tidak dibiar kosong tanpa menyesatkan adam dan hawa.
Perbanyakkanlah berfikir, renung penuh bererti..Bagaimana bakal kehidupanmu sewaktu mengadap Tuhan Rabbul ’Izzati..?
Selamatkah dirimu di hari yang tiada pelindung melainkanNya?
Akan beratkah amal yang akan engkau bawa?
Justeru, renungkanlah duhai diri yang lemah. Agar kehidupanmu di dunia sentiasa waspada..
Untuk apa perlu dirisaukan, aduhai hati yang rawan..
sebuah kehilangan itu hanya secebis dugaan..
dari Tuhan sekalian alam..
Hilang bukan bererti tamatnya sebuah kehidupan, tetapi dengan kehilangan itulah darjatmu ditinggikan.
Mengapa perlu dihairankan, Allah itu Maha berkuasa, zat yang sempurna penuh keagungan. Lupakah duhai hati, Allah telah berjanji dalam kalamNya Izzati..
”Adakah kamu mengaku beriman, sedangkan kamu belum diuji?”
Maka, hadapilah ujian dengan sejuta kesabaran. Percayalah, yakinlah sepenuh hatimu..

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Memang Allah Sengaja
* memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kitasedar bahawa kita hanyalah makhluk yg sentiasa mengharapkan pertolongan ALLAH.
* memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang g salah supaya kita dapat KASIH SAYANG YANG TERBAIK, KHAS UNTUK DIRI KITA.
* memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita sedar bahawa ALLAH MAHA PEMURAH & PENYAYANG kerana mengingatkan kita bahawa dia bukanlah pilihan yg hebat untuk kita dan kehidupan kita pada masa depan…
* memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita dapat mengutip pengalaman yg tak semua orang berpeluang untuk mengalaminya.
* memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita jadi MANUSIA YG HEBAT JIWANYA .
* memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita lebih faham bahawa CINTA YG TERBAIK HANYA ADA BERSAMA ALLAH.
* memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita LEBIH MENGENALI KEHIDUPAN YG TAK SELAMANYA KEKAL .
Wahai sahabat yg kecewa, menderita dan sengsara kerana cinta, fahamilah bahawa kehidupan kita makin sampai ke penghujungnya.
Hari esokpun kita sendiri tak pasti samada menjadi milik kita.
Gapailah keredhaan ALLAH dengan melaksanakan suruhan-NYA, dan meninggalkan laranganNYA. .
PERCAYALAH sesungguhnya ALLAH malu untuk menolak permintaan hamba-NYA yg menadah tangan meminta dengan penuh pengharapan HANYA kepada-NYA.
“Wahai orang-orang yang beriman!Jika datang kepada kamu sesuatu berita,maka selidikilah kebenarannya,supaya kamu tidak menimpakan sesuatu kaum dengan perkara yang tidak diingini dengan sebab kejahilan kamu ( mengenainya ) sehingga menjadikan kamu menyesali apa yang kamu lakukan.” ( al-Qur’an,al-Hujurat ( 49 ):6 ).
Monday, February 15, 2010
i miss zara...
and the latest--ape yg penting,kerjasama
...but she didnt say the sentence clearly..haha...but she's definitely a smart girl....n naughty too...huhu..these r some of her pics...;)

Only 2 papers left...arghh..
past few days had been a blast...
i met my schoolmates at wangsawalk on saturday...god,i miss them so much...all of them look as gorgeous as before...unlike me...hahaha..we had an awesome time playing bowling...i played quite well at first..but i was really suck at the end...i guess the ball is heavy n it hurt my hand...we should have gone to karaoke too...huhu...we hang around wangsawalk while chatting..shaz n norlida r going to usa...
for all of u--
best of luck and remember,my pray will always be with u guys!--
and this goes to the others too...hope our dreams will become true...
.owh..krun also brought her niece and nephews my surprise all them have grew up so fast...i can barely recognize them...but they r cute though...i remembered how small they were when i hang out at krun's place...n i forgot how fast the time could pass..isn't that incredible?...i have just turned into 20 but i feel so old..well,i guess that's the definition of life...we grow older each seconds and sometimes it creeps me out...huhu..
n i am so sorry for not going to asilah's place....she's going to new zealand...i hope she knows that i wish her to have a successful zealand should be an exciting place...i can't wait for all u guys who go abroad to tell me ur experience once u get back here...owh...i rarely update this blog so i think i'm going to write more that the usual...
Saturday, January 2, 2010
sakit belakang dan lenguh pinggang
pastu terbangun kol 5 pagi dan terus menyambung kerja aku...(bangun jek tros mengadap laptop...kahkah)..
n sampai skang kol 8 pagi,alhamdullilah kire 50% keje aku siap ah...(penat duduk)....
tuh pon xpuas ati...sepatutunye 80% dan klu bole siap terus(tipu ah tu)...
bukan pe,nnt misiti berlambak assgnmnt kene,nk abehkan la awal2 ek...baru rase relieved sket...
so,the moral of the story,jgn la wak keje last minute cam aku nih...ok..lepas ni nk off to uia...;)
Akhirnye bukak jua blog ini....
harapkan kat umah je la bru leh enjoy surf internet...wireless kat uia xleh pakai lgsg...buat wireless cam nak cukup syarat jek..
tension betol...
bukak pastu disconnected...klu nak tau kejadian nih berulang byk kali sampai rse nk baling jek laptop...kahkah...nasib baik sabar..skang nih berada di rumah tercinta dan di atas katil yang empok dan dengan semangat berkobar-kobar mau menyiapkan research paper yg deadline dia lg 2 minggu...
pergh,dgr cam lame disebabkan xbuat satu hapak agi,so rase cam 'isy,sempat ke aku siap nih?'....agegege...
tanpa membuang mase,skang aku nak menyiapkan paper work aku...(doakan aku xtertido di atas katil yg empok ini)..;)