1. The first main principle of Islamic Medicine is the emphasis on the sanctity of human life which derives from al-Qur’an:
"Whosoever saves a human life, saves the life of the whole mankind."
2. The second main principle is the emphasis on seeking a cure. This derives from a saying of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):
"There is no disease that God has created, except that He also has created its
3. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), in another narration, is also reported to have said:
"Seek treatment, for God the Exalted did not create a disease for which He did not create a treatment, except senility."
4. Some of the rules of Islamic medical ethics are :
- Necessity overrides prohibition; that is, if there are certain items which are Islamically prohibited, under dire necessity they can become permissible.
- Harm has to be removed at every cost if possible.
- Accept the lesser of the two harms if both can not be avoided.
- Public interest overrides the individual interest.

p/s : cerita ni mmg dah lari la sgt dr islamic ethics..haha...byk cite psl skandal doktor jek..so
xpayah la tgk~~~
assalamualaikum roza..
good3..sharing on islamic medicine..btw, roza tukar medic ea?
waalaikumsalam..a ah..kte tukar medic..huhu..insyaallah..harap2 bole la...thanx sbb bace...;)
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